Meditation, Mind & Spirituality Myths vs. Facts

Guest speaker Kok Tho Yip will be here at Sacramento Central on Friday, June 22, 2018 at 7:00 PM and then on Sabbath, June 23 at 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM. The Bible, neuroscience and eastern beliefs are brought to converge to contrast authentic Biblical meditation with eastern and hybridized Christian meditation. Friday he will cover Neuroscience of the Brain & Mind in Meditation, then Sabbath he will answer the questions “Are there Eastern beliefs in the hybrid versions of Christian contemplation?” and “Where is the Hybridization of Eastern & Christian meditation takin us?”
Kok Tho Yip was a Zen meditator for 20 years before converting to Christianity. His International appearances include: Dr. Neal Nedley’s EQ Summit USA, 3ABN TV Australia, 3ABN USA upcoming documentary on modern spiritualism, and speaking in US, Cananda, Australia, Korea, and Asia.
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