Dr. Daniel Binus Gives Powerful Lecture on Dangers of Mystical Meditation

Dr. Daniel Binus of Beautiful Minds Medical, presented a powerful lecture on the dangers of mystical meditation the Sabbath of November 15 during Central’s Discipleship University program which is held the first and third Sabbath of each month. While biblical meditation has its place in the Christian life, Dr. Binus shared that practices such as transcendental meditation, yoga, and other eastern mystical practices present real spiritual problems for the believer. Dr. Binus has made his powerpoint presentation available right here: The Mind’s Eye
To learn more about Dr. Binus’ ministry you can go to http://www.beautifulmindsmedical.com/
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You have done a lot of research and have presented helpful information. I agree with your viewpoint. I do have a question about ‘yoga’. I know at the YMCA they offer what is called yoga but there is no emphasis on ‘meditating’. It is more a series of stretching exercises. The classes I’ve seen had soft music playing and the lights dimmed. However, the people are concentrating on following the instructor’s poses and maintaining their balance, etc. Do you see a problem with this type of ‘yoga’? Thanks!