Dennis Priebe to Hold Important Seminar on Righteousness by Faith

Sacramento Central Seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes Elder Dennis Priebe who will present Righteousness by Faith for the Last Generation, starting Friday, January 16, 2016 at 7:00pm and continuing Sabbath, January 17 at 10:50am, 1:15pm, and 2:30pm. This important seminar will take place at 6045 Camellia Ave., Sacramento CA.
Dennis Priebe is a Seventh-day Adventist minister, with 50 years experience as a pastor, a teacher, and seminar speaker. Eleven years were spent as a college professor at Pacific Union College, and 30 years as a seminar speaker for Amazing Facts. He has been married for 50 years to Kay, and they have one son, Matthew. Over 900 seminars have been held in churches and schools around the U.S. He has written several books and booklets, with many audio and video tapes on these topics. His one desire is to prepare people for what he believes to be the very soon return of Jesus to this world.
All presentations will be live streamed.
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Can we obtain/emailed the paper material that the congregation received today for Elder Priebe’s presentations? They were wonderful, so glad you were able to host his sermons, thank you so much. What a blessing!
We’ll email those to you ASAP. Glad to hear you were blessed by the meetings.
Dear Pr. Chris
I would like to obtain the handout as well.
Mahalo, Pr. Diamond
Certainly can Pastor Diamond.
Hello , I have just watched a presentation on the one project and the emerging church information you hosted there, would you kindly email me the paper material that the congregation received for Elders Priebe’s presentation. that kind of sermons are a rare thing here in Australia.
We are nearer the Lord’s coming than we think!!!!!!
Christian regards.
Hi Ana. We’ll email those handouts to you ASAP. Glad you were able to join us live streaming. God bless.
I recently was looking at the sac central page and was a bit disappointed to find out that I missed out on Elder Dennis’ presentation. I was just baptized late this summer, and it was Elder Dennis Priebe’s series of Righteousness by Faith that was used for a Bible study guide in preparation for my baptism. I was wondering if his presentations were recorded, and if so, where can I find them.
May the Holy Ghost guide our walk,
– Steve Garibay
Someone will be in touch with you shortly Steve. Blessings!
Hi, Chris. I would also like information on the recorded meetings.
Hi Richard. Please email Our church secretary will be all too happy to help you with your request. Her name is Melissa. God bless you!
Is Dennis’ Seminar on Righteousness by Faith available to be viewed online? And, are the handouts available to be emailed to me? If so, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Hi Robert. Yes, you can view Elder Priebe’s messages by going to You will need to scroll down a little to get to his presentations, but they are there. Also keep in mind that his first presentation is divided into two. We are not sure why our live stream provider did this, but it can be a little confusing if a person doesn’t know what happened. We will email you Elder Priebe’s presentation notes as well.
Hi, would you send Elder Priebe’s handouts to my email too, please? Thank you for this opportunity to have access to such blessed material. Please, let me know if you have his presentations in video available and what could I do to purchase them. Thank you.
God bless!
Will do Andrei!
Boa tarde!
Sou adventista do sétimo dia e estou cursando Teologia no Brasil.
Sempre acompanhei os vídeos do Pr. Dennis Priebe (legendados) e confesso que me ajudou muito a crescer como cristão. Mas o fato é que quero muito me aprofundar mais para defender sobre o problema do pecado e de como podemos vencer o pecado antes da segunda volta de Cristo.
Este assunto sempre foi polêmico, mas, me pergunto, se pastores como o Dennis Priebe – um homem usado pelo poder do Espírito Santo – conseguem defender com base bíblica e profética, então, creio que Deus poderá me capacitar também.
Preciso desenvolver uma pesquisa, levantando um problema dentro da IASD e já pensei em vários temas que seriam de interesse para todos, mas confesso que o Espírito Santo tem me tocado profundamente para aproveitar essa oportunidade e desenvolver sobre “pecado”, “natureza pecaminosa”, “vencer o pecado antes da segunda vinda”.
Alguém pode me ajudar?!
Irmão oi. De que forma podemos ajudá-lo?
Maycon Ribeiro. Tenho excelente material de nossa igreja sobre o tema, e coloco-o à sua disposição. Se lhe interessar, entre em contato através do e-mail:
I would love to invite Pr Priebe to the UK, can i please have his contact details please?
We will email you shortly Michael.
This series has just started here in New Zealand. Is it possible to have the handouts emailed to us as well?
God Bless.
Hi Rosemarie. We are contacting Elder Priebe in order to retrieve the notes he used while doing his presentation here. We hope to have a solution to this shortly. Thank you for your patience.
Rosemarie. Pastor Dennis Priebe has the notes with him and if you provide your address we will have him mail them to you. Unfortunately they are not in electronic form. Write to with your address and we’ll get right on it. Blessings to you there.
Greetings of the day in the Lord!
My name is Josue Mejia. I’m a SDA since 1999, I live in Cali, Colombia and I discovered the presentations and documents (his web page) from pastor Priebe a few years time ago. I was blessed in many ways.
I didn’t find his materials in Spanish, so I was wondering if I can contact him in order to send him some of my translations of his papers, but I did find none contact email from him. Could you help me, please?
May the Lord keep blessing your ministries.
Your brother in the Lord,
Hi Josue. We are seeking to contact Elder Priebe to get his permission to give out his number. Please stand by. If you don’t hear back from us in a week or so, please try again. Elder Priebe travels quite a bit so we’re not sure when we might be able to reach him. Thank and God bless you.
Would Pastor Dennis Priebe kindly even explain to us what “even to even” means? There is a new current of thoughts circulating among SDA that the Sabbath starts Saturday in the morning and not at sunset on Friday evening. We would appreciate Pastor Dennis view upon this topic. All we want is to walk in the light and in harmony with “Thus saith the Lord”.
Hi David. So you know, Elder Priebe is a guest presenter at Central and doesn’t join us very often. But we are pretty certain that he would uphold the long-standing view that “even to even” refers to “sunset to sunset,” meaning that the Sabbath begins Friday evening at sunset and closes at the same time Saturday night. We hope this helpful. Blessings!