Author Archives: Web Administrator

Web Administrator

The Healthy Plate Presents
Classes, Events, Health

The Healthy Plate Presents

Join Central’s Health Ministries for a DVD presentation on REST by Creation Health, March 18 at 7 PM in the Camellia Room, and learn how inadequate sleep impacts the immune...

January 01, 2019
Liberty At Risk
Church, Events, Prayer

Liberty At Risk

We welcome Lincoln Steed, Editor, Liberty Magazine who will be joining us on Sabbath, February 2, 2019. He will be sharing the Sabbath morning message entitled, “The King’s Highway”, then...

November 11, 2018
Project Paradise

Project Paradise

The Camp Fire in Northern California is the state’s most destructive blaze in recent history. We are saddened by the loss of many lives and the number of people still...

November 10, 2018
Every Heart: A Christmas Concert

Every Heart: A Christmas Concert

Central Music Ministry invites you to our annual concert on December 8 at 7 PM. Join us as we prepare a place for Christ through carols and more. From our...

November 08, 2018
Sugar! Is it really that bad? Presentation by Charles Ing, MD on October 22, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the Youth Chapel
Events, Guest Speaker, Health

Effects of Sugar!

Effects of Sugar! Healthy Plate presentation by Clarence Ing, M.D., October 22, 2018 at 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Chapel, Dr. Ing will discuss the Health Effects of Sugar on Your...

September 13, 2018